Get Ahead Central Office provides essential services and support to the Get Ahead Schools network.

By providing these comprehensive services, Central Office empowers Get Ahead Schools to focus on their primary mission of delivering quality education, while ensuring that the administrative, financial, and support aspects are efficiently managed and supported.

Composition of and services offered within Central Office:

Executive Head  – Vicki du Preez

The Executive Head plays a pivotal role in the organization, focusing on the overall strategy and development of Get Ahead Schools.

Mrs du Preez works closely with major funders and partners, securing financial support for the schools’ operations and growth.

Additionally, the Executive Head is responsible for strategic planning to drive future expansion and enhance the educational offerings of Get Ahead Schools.

Vicky du Preez
Mathilda Humphreys

Finance Manager – Mathilda Humphreys

The Finance Manager oversees all financial aspects of the Get Ahead Schools. Mrs Humphreys manages the bursars who handle financial transactions at each school, ensuring financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

Centralized procurement helps streamline purchasing processes and cost efficiency. HR management ensures that personnel matters are handled efficiently.

Overall, the Finance Manager ensures the financial stability and legal compliance of Get Ahead Schools.

Corporate & Community Relations – Lauren Schwarz

The Corporate and Community Relations department handles branding and marketing initiatives for Get Ahead Schools.

Mrs Schwarz strives to build strong relationships with the community and corporate partners to enhance the schools’ reputation and support.

This department also administers the scholarship programme, providing financial assistance to deserving students and promoting inclusive education.

Lauren Schwarz
Nangamso Xashimba

Social Worker – Nangamso Xashimba

The Social Worker plays a critical role in providing socio-emotional support to both students and staff.

Ms Xashimba offers counselling services, helping students navigate personal challenges and emotional difficulties, which may affect their academic performance.

Referrals to external support services are provided when necessary and awareness campaigns are organized to promote mental health and well-being within the school community.

Vicky du Preez

Executive Head  – Vicki du Preez

The Executive Head plays a pivotal role in the organization, focusing on the overall strategy and development of Get Ahead Schools.

Mrs du Preez works closely with major funders and partners, securing financial support for the schools’ operations and growth.

Additionally, the Executive Head is responsible for strategic planning to drive future expansion and enhance the educational offerings of Get Ahead Schools.

Mathilda Humphreys

Finance Manager – Mathilda Humphreys

The Finance Manager oversees all financial aspects of the Get Ahead Schools. Mrs Humphreys manages the bursars who handle financial transactions at each school, ensuring financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

Centralized procurement helps streamline purchasing processes and cost efficiency. HR management ensures that personnel matters are handled efficiently.

Overall, the Finance Manager ensures the financial stability and legal compliance of Get Ahead Schools.

Lauren Schwarz

Corporate & Community Relations – Lauren Schwarz

The Corporate and Community Relations department handles branding and marketing initiatives for Get Ahead Schools.

Mrs Schwarz strives to build strong relationships with the community and corporate partners to enhance the schools’ reputation and support.

This department also administers the scholarship programme, providing financial assistance to deserving students and promoting inclusive education.

Nangamso Xashimba

Social Worker – Nangamso Xashimba

The Social Worker plays a critical role in providing socio-emotional support to both students and staff.

Ms Xashimba offers counselling services, helping students navigate personal challenges and emotional difficulties, which may affect their academic performance.

Referrals to external support services are provided when necessary and awareness campaigns are organized to promote mental health and well-being within the school community.

Zintle Ntsham

Senior IT Technician – Zintle Ntsham:

Ms Ntsham ensures that the schools’ IT infrastructure operates smoothly, handling troubleshooting and maintenance tasks.

In addition, the Senior IT Technician manages a support helpdesk, promptly addressing technical issues, ensuring seamless integration of technology and resources for effective teaching and learning.